A small obsession

I have a confession. I love small things. Er, well, um… This is a family blog, people! Get yer heads outta the gutter!

Back to the topic at hand.

Anything in miniature is likely to get a “SQUEEEEEE!!!” out of me. So, I, uh… may have made a silly impulse purchase last week because I just couldn’t resist.

Miniature Russian Pointes

Do you need more scale? Okay, here’s the real Russian Pointes and the miniature Russian Pointes:

Mini & Real Russian Pointes

And from the back:

Back of Russian Pointes

Yeppers, I’m ridiculous alright. And, no, I have no idea what I am going to do with this pair of miniature pointes other than pick them up occasionally and giggle maniacally to myself. Heeheehee. Itty bitty pointe shoes. Heeheehee.

2 thoughts on “A small obsession

  1. Acacia says:

    I’m the same way. Wee little things are just neat!

  2. Sandy says:

    The WEE-er, the better, in my book!
    Giggle away.

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